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The Blog — motivational monday

What Lies Within Us - Motivational Quote

Melissa Bastow

Tags motivational monday

What Lies Within Us - Motivational Quote

This quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson is perfect, "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us".  Sometimes we're so caught up in the past that we're blind to our own potential, sometimes it feels like we'll never achieve what we want, and sometimes it just seems a whole lot easier to quit.  But everyone has awesome amazingness just waiting to be released and achieved.  Don't pay attention to what happened in the past, or the obstacles to overcome, focus on what you want and go get it! Feel free to...

Albert Einstein Motivational Quote

Melissa Bastow

Tags motivational monday

Albert Einstein Motivational Quote

I love this motivational quote from Albert Einstein "In the middle of every difficulty lies an opportunity".  How true, right?  When things get tough you can either quit or rise to the challenge.  The opportunity you choose to embrace defines the kind of person you want to become. Feel free to share this with family and friends on social media.  Or print it out and keep it nearby to help you remember to look for those difficult opportunities. And if you like the strongman used on this, you're going to love our Circus Clipart Set, found in the shop!

Your Mind is a Garden, Your Thoughts are the Seeds

Melissa Bastow

Tags motivational monday

Your Mind is a Garden, Your Thoughts are the Seeds

Your mind is a garden, your thoughts are the seeds.  You can grow flowers, or you can grow weeds.  I LOVE THIS.  Because sometimes I have weed growing days, and then I realize that all I have to do is replant them with positive thoughts and my mind garden becomes so much easier to enjoy! Feel free to share this on social media, or print it out and keep it nearby to remind yourself to think positively and grow flowers in your mind.

Despite the Forecast, Live Like it's Spring

Melissa Bastow

Tags motivational monday

I love this quote by Lily Pulitzer that says "Despite the forecast, live like it's spring."  And while I won't necessarily be running barefoot through the dead grass with delusions greenery quite just yet, in my mind that's exactly where you can find me!  Spring is my favorite season and I just can't wait!! Feel free to share this with friends or family on social media.  Or print it and hang it next to your window so you can remember that the world will soon be green!   And if you like the Easter Animal Clipart images on this, you...

Throw Glitter in Today's Face - Motivational Monday

Melissa Bastow

Tags motivational monday

Throw Glitter in Today's Face - Motivational Monday

Throw glitter in today's face, because you're about to do something FABULOUS!  Nothing beats a case of the Monday Mornings like a little glitter bombing and fabulosity.  And besides, Monday deserves it. Feel free to share this with friends and family on social media, or in real life.  And if you like the cute llamacorn at the bottom of the image, you can grab the whole Llamacorn Clipart Set in our shop!